





本地商業推廣計劃 Local Business Promotion Program


The “Local Business Promotion Program” is designed to assist both small and large local businesses in Canada in enhancing brand visibility, expanding their customer base, and fostering business growth. Through this program, we aim to provide a robust platform for startups, merchants, and various organizations to showcase their exceptional products and services, while also encouraging our readers to recognize and support these outstanding local businesses.

我們如何與本地大小企業合作 How We Collaborate with Local Businesses

  1. 定制化推廣方案:我們將根據每個企業的特點和需求,設計專屬的推廣方案,確保最有效地觸及目標客群。我們會利用我們的網站、社交媒體及生活雜誌等多渠道進行綜合宣傳。
  2. 內容創作與分享:我們的團隊將爲您的企業創作優質的宣傳內容,包括文章和圖片等,並在我們的各大平台上分享。這些內容將突出您的品牌故事、產品特色和客戶評價,吸引更多潛在顧客。
  3. 數據分析與報告:我們會為指定客戶提供推廣效果的數據分析報告,讓您了解各項推廣活動的成效,並根據數據調整推廣策略,以達到最佳效果。


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  1. Customized Promotion Plans: We tailor unique promotional strategies based on the characteristics and needs of each business, ensuring the most effective reach to the target audience. Our promotion will be conducted through a comprehensive approach, utilizing our website, social media channels, and lifestyle magazines.
  2. Content Creation and Sharing: Our team will produce high-quality promotional content for your business, including articles, images, and more, which will be shared across our various platforms. This content will highlight your brand story, product features, and customer reviews, attracting more potential customers.
  3. Data Analysis and Reporting: We will provide selected clients with data analysis reports on the effectiveness of promotional activities, enabling you to understand the impact of each campaign and adjust your promotional strategies accordingly to achieve optimal results.

Through the “Local Business Promotion and Development Partnership Program,” we are committed to becoming a valuable partner in your business growth, helping you stand out in the Canadian market. If you are interested in this program, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to collaborating with you to create a bright future together.

計劃好處 Program Benefits

資格要求 Eligibility Requirements


To participate in the “Local Business Promotion and Development Partnership Program,” local businesses must meet the following criteria:

目標行業和部門 Target Industries and Sectors


Our program is open to all industries, with a particular emphasis on the following sectors:

合作夥伴 Partnership