





關於我們 About Us

The Maple Couple 於2020年成立,緻力為世界各地的華人朋友提供有關加拿大的資訊。我們的Facebook、YouTube頻道及Instagram專頁已擁有過萬支持者,主網站會員數量亦超過10,000人。我們同時為學生提供全面的加拿大留學服務,多年來,我們成為加拿大各省份多間公立大專學院的官方合作夥伴,至今已成功協助逾2,000名學生在加留學及移民。

Founded in 2020, The Maple Couple is dedicated to providing information about Canada to Chinese communities worldwide. Our Facebook, YouTube channel, and Instagram page have garnered tens of thousands of supporters, and our main website has over 10,000 members. We also offer comprehensive study abroad services in Canada, having become official partners with numerous public colleges across various provinces. To date, we have successfully assisted over 2,000 students in pursuing their studies and immigrating to Canada.

我們作為生活在加拿大的過來人,明白要在新環境適應絕不容易。同時,非主流媒體的繁體中文生活資訊的選擇亦非常有限。因此,我們成立了全新的The Maple Couple【加拿大生活雜誌】專頁,為加拿大華人讀者提供最新、最齊全的生活資訊,幫助大家更享受加拿大的生活。

As individuals who have experienced life in Canada firsthand, we understand that adapting to a new environment is never easy. Moreover, there is a limited selection of Traditional Chinese lifestyle information available from non-mainstream media sources. Therefore, we launched the new The Maple Couple “Canada Life Magazine” page, providing Chinese readers in Canada with the latest and most comprehensive lifestyle information, helping everyone to better enjoy life in Canada.

網站使命 Our Mission


Our mission is to provide comprehensive lifestyle information in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese for Chinese readers in Canada, helping them adapt to and enjoy life in Canada. We strive to be a trusted source of information, fostering mutual support and assistance within the community, and offering valuable resources to new immigrants and international students.

核心價值觀和原則 Core Values and Principles

  1. 真實與可靠:我們承諾盡我們能力去提供準確和可靠的資訊,協助讀者能夠做出明智的決策。如你發現我們的內容與事實有出入,請立即聯絡我們作出更正。
  2. 社區導向:我們重視加拿大社區的聲音和需求,鼓勵讀者參與討論和分享你的生活經驗,並緻力於建立一個支持和互助的社群。
  3. 多樣與包容:我們尊重多元文化和不同觀點,努力反映加拿大華人社區的多樣性,並促進包容和理解。
  4. 教育與啟發:我們緻力於通過內容教育和啟發讀者,協助他們在加拿大的生活中取得成功和快樂。
  5. 創新與成長:我們不斷追求創新,適應時代變化,為讀者提供最新的資訊和最佳的用戶體驗。
  1. Authenticity and Reliability: We are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to help our readers make informed decisions. If you find any discrepancies in our content, please contact us immediately for corrections.
  2. Community-Oriented: We value the voices and needs of the Canadian community, encouraging readers to participate in discussions and share their life experiences. We are dedicated to building a supportive and cooperative community.
  3. Diversity and Inclusion: We respect cultural diversity and different perspectives, striving to reflect the diversity of the Chinese community in Canada, and promoting inclusiveness and understanding.
  4. Education and Inspiration: We are dedicated to educating and inspiring our readers through our content, helping them achieve success and happiness in their lives in Canada.
  5. Innovation and Growth: We continuously pursue innovation, adapting to changing times, to provide our readers with the latest information and the best user experience.

我們誠摯邀請您加入 The Maple Couple 的大家庭!訂閱我們的網站、關注我們的社交媒體(Facebook、YouTube 和 Instagram等),以獲取最新的加拿大生活資訊、實用小貼士及各色各樣的活動。無論您是新移民、留學生,還是已經在加拿大生活多年的居民,我們都期待與您互動和交流。

We warmly invite you to join The Maple Couple family! Subscribe to our website, follow us on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.), and stay updated with the latest Canadian lifestyle information, practical tips, and a variety of events. Whether you are a new immigrant, an international student, or a long-time resident of Canada, we look forward to interacting and engaging with you.

探索我們的網站內容 Explore Our Website Content


Our website offers a wide range of content, including the latest Canadian news, practical lifestyle guides, study abroad information, financial strategies, and more. Feel free to explore our various sections. We believe that these resources will help you better adapt to and enjoy life in Canada.

鼓勵本地商家與我們合作 Encouraging Local Businesses to Collaborate with Us

我們歡迎本地商家與我們聯繫,通過 The Maple Couple 推廣您的品牌,觸及更廣泛的潛在客戶群體。我們的讀者涵蓋各個年齡層和背景,尤其是年輕的客戶群。我們是推廣您產品和服務的理想平台。請隨時聯繫我們,共同探討合作的可能性。

We welcome local businesses to partner with us, promoting your brand through The Maple Couple and reaching a broader potential customer base. Our readership spans various age groups and backgrounds, particularly young customers. We are an ideal platform for promoting your products and services. Please feel free to contact us to explore potential collaboration opportunities.


透過電郵了解更多加拿大生活資訊, 並搶先得知我們的獨家禮遇及最新優惠!

